Monday, 30 May 2011

MAY be with us!

In a few days (or should I say hours), I'm gonna wrap up my summer vacation already. Might as well, the last vacation as a student/bummer. I don't know if I should be happy or not. Happy 'cuz I'll now face another chapter of my life. Sad, at the same time, 'cuz I'll now know how hard it is to work your ass off just to earn money. Further, no more month-long/week-long vacations anymore!!!!! These thoughts are running to my mind since the day I got hired (the best thing that happened to me this month, by the way).

Cutting the drama, let's now go to the real deal. What happened to me this May??!! :P

The month of May started just like the normal one for me. Home + Eat + Internet all-day. I felt very useless 'cuz I've been doing same routines over and over again almost everyday. On the 2nd week, I suddenly felt the urge to look for a job, which landed me on my newly, fresh work now as a Recruitment Associate. The application process almost took a week before I get to hear the sweet, divine, good news "You're hired!". As we all know, there are a lot of things to accomplish before starting your job like submitting the requirements and many other stuffs. These keep me busy, very much, the past few days. Hassle much!

While waiting for the interview

Aside from the requirements, I also need to prepare the clothes that I'm going to wear everyday at work 'cuz I won't, ever, forgive myself if I'll look wasted even for a time. LOL! Vanity!! Plus, it's time to explore my artistic side now when it comes to dressing up. Mixing and matching clothes but still follows the appropriate look, which is business attire. So just recently, I bought some office clothes good for my work schedule which is from Mondays-Saturdays (half day).

Here they are:

Red checkered polo with white/black buttons details from Penshoppe (Got this at SALE price!)

I'm eyeing this jacket but I don't think it counts as a business attire... (Penshoppe)

...that blazer too!!! (Penshoppe)

Plain white polo from SM Department store (Again, at SALE price!)

Love the Workshop's pale color collection of clothes!

Long sleeves nudies from Forever 21

Blazer from Forever 21 too

While waiting for my turn at the Cashier. I actually thought of buying this. Just a souvenir! LMAO!

The new location of 21 Men at Forever 21, SM Megamall. Don't get lost people!!

Mama's gift. Swatch leather moccasins with tassels!! I've used this twice already! Very comfy!

Then.... I PIGGED out!!!! :))))

I had these for lunch....

....I had these for merienda/dinner.

FYI: I ate these 2 meals at different times. Don't get confused!! See the captions. I was in love with Goldilocks at that time so here's what you call CRAVING/ADDICTION!! LOL!!

Right before I went home, I checked some other shops too and looked for another small possible buy/s. But I dint find any.

Forgot the name of this bookstore selling second-hand books

I'll buy this, SOON! (Oxygen)

"I'm going home, to the place where I belong...." :))))


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